Gary Vergason Elected SVC President

July 14, 2016
Author: Vergason Technology

Gary VergasonGary Vergason took over the active position of president for the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) in May 2016. During the prior two years as vice president, his primary role was to lead the analysis of the SVC’s current contract management and to guide the executive committee’s review and decision of the future management requirements.

The SVC’s new management home is with ASM International in Materials Park, Ohio. The surface engineering aspect of the SVC compliments the field of ASM’s affiliates nicely. Gary’s keen interest is to add to the ASM’s world-class training facility with the addition of physical vapor deposition (PVD) equipment from the SVC’s base of vacuum coating equipment suppliers. This will provide PVD technicians and engineers hands-on educational opportunities year around.

Gary has been working in the PVD field for over 35 years and will continue the SVC president role until May 2018.
